4 Morning Routines that Keep You Productive & Creative

Do you have a morning routine? Establishing solid morning and night routines can significantly benefit your mental and emotional well-being while also boosting productivity. When I leaped to become a full-time creative entrepreneur after leaving my job, I knew crafting a morning routine was essential.

Now, if you know me, you're aware I'm not exactly a morning person. Let's be real—I'm not leaping out of bed at 6 am and pretending to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. However, since I began integrating a morning routine into my daily schedule, I've noticed a remarkable improvement in how smoothly my days run and how much more I accomplish.

Not only am I more productive, but my creative energy flows more freely than ever before. Here are a few key elements of my morning routine, listed in no particular order of importance:


For almost two years now, hitting the gym has become a regular part of my routine. From once being a slender individual who didn't feel the necessity for gym sessions, I now find myself in the gym at least five days a week. Engaging in regular exercise not only helps in physical transformation but also releases endorphins, providing a much-needed boost of positivity. After a solid 30 minutes to an hour of sweating it out to a carefully curated playlist, you can't help but feel ready to conquer the world.

Tea Time

Before diving headfirst into the day's tasks, I have a ritual of brewing a cup of tea. While water is the first thing to hydrate my system in the morning, the warmth of tea brings a comforting pause to the hustle. With a plethora of options available, some of my favorites include ginger peach, vanilla chai, or the Not Coffee blend from Ivy’s Tea Co line. Regardless of the weather outside, a steaming cup of tea acts as a tranquil moment, allowing me to collect my thoughts before the day's chaos unfolds. It's like finding serenity before stepping into the storm.

No Email Zone

Ah, the bliss of unplugging. During the first two hours of my morning, I relish having my own space. I might skim through a few tweets, casually scroll through Instagram, or peruse a blog on Thought Catalog, but one thing I don't do is answer emails. My business inbox tends to be a mix of exciting news and apologies for delayed responses, so avoiding it at the start of the day helps me set a positive tone. While I haven't quite reached the point of eliminating social media from my mornings, I'm working towards that goal.


Daily self-care is a priority for me, and it often takes the form of writing or journaling. I find that my ideas flow more freely in the morning. As I enjoy my breakfast, I grab my journal and jot down a myriad of thoughts and ideas. Whether it's creating a to-do list for the day or brainstorming projects I want to explore, this morning's brain dump serves as an excellent catalyst for my productivity. By getting all my thoughts out onto paper in the morning, I start the day with a clearer mind and a greater sense of focus.


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